Sitting at the Kellogg Idaho Public Library (what an extraordinary institution; the public library!) just a day out of Seattle,and at the near end of our 6+week drive accross America. So many moments that didn't get shared with my 'admiring public'. Following is just a few:
Noticing my 'Lopez Island right index finger off the steering wheel greeting' , as I drove the lonely stretchs of America's blue Highways.

So many times, actually most of the time the other drivers would wave back, across the momentary flash of us speeding away from one another. Still a very human touch-in of strangers, that would in all likelihood never get to know each other, sending out a positive little ripple of human kindness.
The Golden Eagle senior citizen card that opened up for no cost, the many national parks and monuments that Ken Burns so well docuemented in his recent series----Its a must see! Boy oh boy the parks are definitely one of Americas best ideas. Watching the mini series made me understsand, probably for the first time, why the Park Service

is so militaristic (initially the Parks were policed by the U.S. Cavalry) and based on the huge numbers of visitors, why there have to be so many rules (I am not a good 'rules' person!)
In Chamberlin, S. Dakota, at Michelles Marina Bar on the banks of the Missouri River (which caused massive flooding throughout the region this past summer) talking: bow hunting for deer; shot gunning for pheasant; walleye fishing; golfing; regional beers and how best to drink them; and baseball: a nice pourpouri of local lore to mull over, as wifee and Jack sleep in the van 'out back'.
Looks like we are off again down the road a bit further, before the sun sets, to get us within 'shooting range' of daughter Elena and Seattle

by tomorrow afternoon. Wonder where the 'road gods' will lead us to for our last night on the open road? The journey has been rich and the strangers and friends along the way have been embracing.

I will hopefully write a summation from our Friday Island home in a few days. My allotted tim on the computer nears its terminus----salude! steve
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